Reconciling in Christ

Christ Church, Lutheran is a congregation committed to the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ

This gospel calls us into community with other Christians and sends us forth to give witness to our faith as we love and serve our neighbors in every need by working toward wholeness, health and peace in society and in all human relationships

We welcome and invite all who share our faith in Christ’s saving and reconciling gospel to join with us, work with us, be nourished with us by the Word and the Holy Sacraments, and to fully participate with us in the life of the church – no matter their race, their skin color, their gender identities and expressions, their sexual orientation, their national origin or their native language.

We, the officers and members of the Church Council of Christ Church, Lutheran affirm this stance of our congregation on this day, the 3rd of August, 2021. Christ Church first became a Reconciling in Christ congregation in 1985 – we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of RIC in 2025.