Report of the Interim Pastor January 2020
Opening Prayer
Loving God: be with us and guide us during this time of transition and discernment. Fill our leaders with your wisdom. Keep us mindful of the work you would have us do. Lead us and guide us, O God, to be about the work of establishing your reign here on earth as the search for a new pastor continues. Bless all who have taken on extra responsibilities and fill them with a sense of your love and presence. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thank You
Thank you for your faithfulness as members of the church council, and for repeatedly stepping up to attend to a task, or to provide leadership and support for others. Thank you also for the opportunity to take time off for what was for me, the trip of a lifetime; to Pastors Tom and Kathleen for stepping in; and for all those who worked together to provide a lovely and fitting memorial for Tina Hogan. It continues to be a joy and privilege to walk with you on this part of your journey.
Statistics (January 2020)
Worship attendance – Sundays: 5th – 47; 8th – 28; 12th – 35; 19th – 41; 26th – 33
Other Days: A. Tina Hogan’s funeral – 45
Visits and Pastoral calls – 7
Events – 6(includes Conference Pastors meeting, wedding of Zhen en and Mei hao, and the funeral for Ron Biagini.)
Average hours worked per week: 51
(Please note I was away from January 17 through January 31.)
Synod Assembly
The Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly for 2020 is scheduled to be held in Fresno from May 1 – 3. We are allowed 2 lay voting members for each pastor that attends (4 if Pastor Tom and Pastor Lyle both attend, two if only one pastor attends. Registration is $225.00 per person. Housing and transportation are extra. Registration has begun on-line. We should choose our voting members as quickly as possible. All fees are due my March 31.
Lent Begins
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 26. Two worship services will be held – noon and 7:00 pm. Bishop Mark Holmerud will serve as our preacher at the 7:00 pm service. Each Wednesday following, we will gather at 7:00 for evening prayer in the Meeting Room. Members of Grace Lutheran Church (Ulloa) have been invited to join us.
Prior to Lent our annual tradition of Mardi Gras will take place – Sunday, February 23 after worship.
In the next few months we will officially install the call committee, receive new members, keep a bible study going, and concentrate on the specific needs of the congregation and individual members. In addition, we’ll have a few events in the Parish Hall (March and April).
Respectfully submitted,
Lyle J Beckman